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Our Publications

"My Father's Business"



Now published by Erben House!

When we think of work, we typically think of a set of tasks that we do for an employer to support our life and livelihood.

Jesus also had work to do while He was here on earth – the work of the Savior, suffering and dying for our sins on the cross. Before that happened, He also taught and preached. Unlike most of our work, He didn’t get paid for what He did.

In twenty chapters, Redlin dives into the core of Jesus’ work on the earth, beginning with the angel’s proclamation to the virgin Mary and ending with Jesus’ ascension.


More purchase options coming soon! Please email us ( to get in touch and purchase.

244 pages, 5.5 x 8.5" softcover

Also available at the CLC Bookhouse (

$14.95 USD

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L. Dale Redlin

After serving for more than 40 years in the public ministry, L. Dale Redlin is happily retired. He has written five other books: God’s Promise Kept, My Father’s Business, Sheep and Shepherds, and It Takes Cow Chips to Make Dinner. About his writing, he says: “I wish to thank our gracious God for giving me the gifts and opportunity to write books. It has been my pleasure, to tell everyone how much He means to all of us.” Pastor Redlin currently resides in the Twin Cities, Minnesota area, where he enjoys being closer to family.

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